About us


Peri-Ilka Tincman

CEo og grunnlegger

Peri has a Ph.D. in international politics from the University of Salzburg, Austria, and managerial experience from the central administration of the Ministry of Education in Salzburg. Peri has been actively involved in organising events and projects which bring together people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Elena-Mandica Minescu


Elena-Mandica Minescu has a degree in Management and Accounting from Ploiesti, Romania. She has worked with payroll and personal responsibility over many years and has an excellent understanding of administrative systems and processes.

Foto: Fredrik Pedersen

Peri-Ilka Tincman (47) is German/Turkish and grew up with a Muslim father and a Christian mother. In Norway, she has worked as an associate professor with the University of Southeast Norway. She has extensive experience working with immigrants as well as projects within the Erasmus program. She has worked as a guidance counselor, project- manager, and Erasmus-coordinator. Through her work and own lived experience, Peri has witnessed the need for flexible and cost-effective services that allow for migrants to integrate faster into their everyday lives and local communities.

Peri's political and pedagogical background is a valuable resource to the organisation, giving her both an understanding of public services and processes in addition to her experience with multicultural teaching and integration services. This means that she can offer valuable insight and support to those wishing to integrate into their local community.

One-on-one consultations create security and safety for vulnerable individuals

Peri-Ilka Tincman, MIC speaker, CEO and founder of LoPe - Association for microintegration

Peri also takes a practical approach to understanding cultural diversity and works tirelessly to create a nonjudgmental environment where differences are respected and accepted. Her goal is to make a real difference in the lives of migrants through the organisation's work. Peri is passionate about helping individuals integrate and uses her skills and experience to give guidance and support to motivate others. She aims to help them realise their potential and build better lives for themselves and their families. LoPe therefore offers an effective and tailor-made solution to both successful integration and professional development for immigrants. LoPe is proud to aid immigrants with a broad spectrum of services such as language courses, cultural development programmes, and employability training.

Peri holds regular presentations for national and international audiences on the theme: Microintegration and diversity in the workplace - road to success.

Past events have included: national integration conferences for embassies and international Erasmus events.

Peri is building bridges between cultures in Norway, and is actively involved in organising events that bring people with diverse backgrounds and cultures together.

Through these activities, Peri aims to promote tolerance, acceptance and understanding between people from different backgrounds. She also works voluntarily for local refugee centers, where she provides support and guidance to refugees who are adapting to life in a new country. She believes that by helping newcomers feel welcome and accepted, she can help create an environment where everyone feels included and respected. Through her work with the intercultural network in Norway, she contributes to building a bridge between cultures that can create a better future for everyone.

Elena-Mandica Minescu. I am from Romania. In 1989, the year of the revolution, Romania became a democratic country overnight after 40 years of communism, I was just 8 years old. The transition was difficult, meaningless, and traumatic for many Romanians. All certainties evaporated, and we were forced to adapt quickly to Western systems. I grew up in the middle of this transition process, full of uncertainty, and with a failing economy. Suddenly the values ​​and traditions we grew up with were no longer acceptable. During this period we learned to adapt, we integrated, we began to develop and respond to Western demands. And yes, it was difficult, even though we all spoke the same language, we had to make an effort to succeed.

Every day we meet individuals who struggle to find solutions to day-to-day problems

Elena-Mandica Minescu, LoPe Association and MIC Micro Integration Consulting

I completed courses with the faculty for Management and Accounting at the University for Oil and Gas in Ploiesti Romania and have a degree in Economics. I have an analytical mind and am highly result-orientated, I interact easily with people and identify with the individuals that LoPe supports. Over 12 years I have worked in both the private and public sectors, in various positions, as well as managing various projects. Every day we meet individuals who struggle to find solutions to day-to-day problems. Many struggle with the most important factor to integration - language. It doesn't matter how much an individual is able to do, or how much education or experience they have, without language they will be unable to overcome the barriers they face.

From the perspective of migrants, everything is different and unfamiliar: tradition, culture, religion. So you try to create order in your life but it's challenging, you don't understand the language, you can't communicate with others, you have bills to pay, you need a bank account, and you don't understand how different official processes work. There are a thousand thoughts and problems that feel impossible to solve. As a man you may

have viewed yourself as the pillar of your family, you worked and offered them everything they needed…, as a woman, your role may have been to take care of the household and the children… such social roles don't exist in the same way in your new country and you must begin to rethink your place in society. This is where we intervene, our goal is to help individuals solve their daily problems so they are able to focus on the future…. Many of those we support struggle with the uncertainty of their current situation. Their lives are put on hold, there are long wait times for decisions on applications for residence, or citizenship. Their future depends on finding employment and earning income that will allow them to live independently.

Integration is difficult independent of differences of education, traditions, cultures and religion. When it came to my own integration into the Norwegian society this was made most possible through my job. LoPe is a special team, with different nationalities, cultures, traditions, religions, and, above all, diverse educational backgrounds, each perspective adds value to our work and increases our ability to understand and identify with the migrants we support.

For the last 2 years I have offered advice/help to migrants, in an attempt to motivate them to participate actively in society. The aim is for them to free themselves from their daily problems, learn the language, and get a job/apply for education. Those we support must understand that they are valuable to society and that they can contribute to society in various ways. Migrants have a value that must be brought to light, to increase their self-esteem and become role models for family and friends.

I have worked for 5 years as financial director and project manager for projects with European funding. During these years, I have given various presentations, participated in launch conferences, and presented results to diverse audiences at municipal and county level, as well as project developers.

I bring with me training in trauma treatment and working against honour-related violence, as well as my varied experience working at LoPe.

Furthermore, my background in economics has had a great impact on my personal development. The world and society are in constant change. The opening of borders has made it easier to give new opportunities to those affected by economic crises and wars. The coexistence of people of different origins, religions, traditions, and cultures has led to positive change. At LoPe we work to motivate individuals to think freely, study, go beyond inherited barriers, explore new opportunities, and share their experiences. We create activities and models for multicultural social groups and offer educational support to share our practices. We influence individuals to develop themselves and find the motivation to participate actively in society. Those we support, in turn, become culture builders for their own social networks. Role models with a shared background can be a powerful tool for individual and social change.

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